Aquest any Spiabooks participa al 
Fantàstic Market 5ª edició 
durant el cap de setmana del 17 i 18 de desembre. 
No t' ho perdis!!!


This book proposes a game. The seeds are imaginary and can be seen as having good or bad qualities, the pockets in the seed "pod" are the environment this 'quality' inhabits. Assign a quality or character to each seed and find it's pocket in the book 'pod', and then compare notes.

This artist book consists of a box of nine "seeds", an accordion "seed pod" and a short explanation that all fit inside a box measuring 12 x12x 4.5 cm (4 5/8"x 4 5/8" x 1 3/4"). The seeds are made with different techniques; crocheted, knitted, embroidered fabric and bead work, in many different combinations. The accordion seed pod is made up of nine hand painted images done with acrylic inks on Canson Mi-tients archival quality paper, and finally, the box is made of cardboard lined with bookbinding fabric in a deep wine color. The small paper "belt" in the top holds the accordion above the seeds when the box is closed. 

©Spiabooks 2016


Molt contenta de col·laborar en aquesta edició de La Festa del Dibuix "BIG DRAW".

Estaré al carrer Allada Vermella de Barcelona aquest diumenge 30 d' octubre d' 11 a 18h. 
No t' ho perdis!!!    Tallers gratuïts. 


Taller d' enquadernació de Pia Wortham.
Aquest dimecres 27 al Centre Cívic Pati Llimona.
Inscripcions a Places limitades.

IX Festival del Llibre d’Artista i la Petita Edició

Spiabooks participa al IX Festival del Llibre d’Artista
i la Petita Edició. No t' ho perdis!!!
Divendres al pati Llimona i el dia de Sant Jordi a la Plaça Sant Just de Barcelona.